Sonntag, 19. März 2023

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #112

1. "Merry Inkmas" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 176 (Kindle Edition)

You can't stop love. All you can do is take it or reject it.

2. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 103 (Kindle Edition)

Yes, I have a blog. I have a lot of feelings and I am a millennial cliché. It's be really cool if you could read it and love it and tell me how fabulous I am and feed me Chocolate Fingers.

3. "Highly suspicious and unfairly cute" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 19

It's funny; I once read that the smell of fresh-cut grass is actually a chemical the plant releases when it's in danger, which reminds me of this theory I'm researching about how veganism might be as bad as meat-eating because of the exploited migrant workers (valid) and the totally viable possibility that plants feel pain. So, long story short, Bradley Graeme smells like murder.

4. "Highly suspicious and unfairly cute" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 16

People like them - "popular" people who think sports and looks and external approval are a valid replacement for actual personality - ironically don't have the social skills to deal with anyone outside their golden circle.

5. "Aus dem Wald hinausfinden" von Margaret Atwood, Seite 26

Schreiben heißt scheitern. Das weiß jeder, außer man schreibt Stream-of-Consciousness-Romane und redigiert sie nicht.

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