Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2023

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #109

 1. "Dead Poets Society" von N. H. Kleinbaum, Seite 20

"Okay, Gentleman", the gym master shouted, "we're going to make something of these bodies yet. Start running around the gym, stop after each round and check your pulse. See me if you don't have a pulse." 

2. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 47 (Kindle Edition)

If she held an emotional tea party, self-doubt would eat all the scones and call Hannah fat if she complained.

3. "The Secret Book Club. Kein Weihnachten ohne Liebesroman" von Lyssa Kay Adams, Seite 201 (Skoobe Edition)

Steig ein, Loser. Du wirst meine dysfunktionale Familie kennenlernen.

4. "Merry Inkmas" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 78 (Kindle Edition)

Her voice didn't shake. He hadn't expected it to. One thing he'd realised by now: this princess was hard as fucking nails. But diamonds were tough, too. And still precious.

5. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 65 (Kindle Edition)

When you're fatter than complete strangers with boundary issues prefer, those complete strangers with boundary issues make sure to tell you so. In explicit detail. They do this because they hate happiness.

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