Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2022

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #105

1. "Spoiler Alert" von Olivia Dade, Seite 272

"If you don't want to see them, don't see them. If you don't want to talk to them, don't talk to them. If you can't forgive them or don't want to, then don't fucking forgive them." She nodded, either in emphasis or to herself, he wasn't sure which. "If you do want to forgive them, that's okay too. If you want to talk to them or visit them, I'll support you however I can. There's no right or wrong answer here, Marcus. Just whatever answer would make you happiest." 

2. "Du wirst diesen Tag überstehen. Und morgen auch" von Daniel Howell, Seite 149

Die Menschen sind einfach nur komplizierte Pflanzen. 

3. "Heraclius" von Johann Christian Hallmann, Seite 596

Die Torheit dieses Menschen ist auf das höchste kommen. Denn er hält sich zwar vor einen Jupiter / allein aus seinem Gehirne wird keine Minerva entspringen. 

4. "Merry Inkmas" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 45 (Kindle Version)

I like watching you make all those drinks. It's like a little dance you do, and you look so happy and you love mixing shit up...

5. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 29 (Kindle Version)

Take this as an opportunity to find a new career. A long-term career that doesn't make you want to commit murder on a daily basis.

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