Sonntag, 15. Januar 2023

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #107

 1. "The Secret Book Club. Kein Weihnachten ohne Liebesroman" von Lyssa Kay Adams, Seite 70 (Skoobe-Version) 

"Wir alle tragen die Ketten, die wir im Laufe unseres Lebens geschmiedet haben, Prinzessin. Du musst herausfinden, woraus deine bestehen, bevor es zu spät ist." 

2. "Merry Inkmas" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 69 (Kindle Edition)

In fact, she'd started to think of him as a cup of coffee: black, with a shot of gingerbread syrup curled up at the bottom. Someone just needed to stir him up and make him sweet all the way through.

3. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 44 (Kindle Edition)

I think efficiency has its place. But personally, I like to take my time. Savour small moments. Life is easier to digest when you go slow.

4. "Highly Suspicious and unfairly cute" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 3

It's the first day of school and I'm already being forced to socialize.

5. "How to stand up to a dictator" von Maria Ressa, Seite 23

Man weiß nicht, wer man ist, bis man darum kämpfen muss.

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