Dienstag, 3. Oktober 2023

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #120

 1. "The Fake Boyfriend Fiasco" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 27

He must be fucked up, because the sight of Aria waving a fork with violent intent was making him want to smile.

2. "Highly suspicious and unfairly cute" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 150

"How come you've been weird with me since we got back to school?"

Her head snaps up. "I haven't -"

"You have."

"I haven't! You say hi, I say hi. You highlight your entire textbook; I keep my mouth shut. What do you want from me, Brad?"

3. "The Fake Boyfriend Fiasco" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 96

Just because you aren't on the same page, doesn't mean you can't ejoy the book together.

4. "Untouchable" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 320

"You", he said softly, "are my sunshine. You're my moon when I can't sleep. You're every star in the sky when I'm lost. You're a galaxy, and I am constantly in awe of you. I'm yours - completely, utterly - for as long as you'll have me. And I pray that's a long damn time, because I don't ever want to be without you."

5. "Highly suspicious and unfairly cute" von Talia Hibbert, Seite 155

"So. Um. I'll stop being weird with you, and you stop examining the darkness of my soul, or whatever. Yeah?"

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