Montag, 22. Februar 2021

Meine liebsten Buchzitate #40

1. "Miss Maxwells kurioses Zeitarchiv" von Jodi Taylor, Seite 188

Es ist immer gut, jemanden zu sehen, der ein noch größerer Katastrophenmagnet ist als ich.

2. "Invisible Man" von Ralph Ellison, Seite 469

"I was saying that up here we know that the police men didn't care about Clifton's ideas. He was shot because he was black and because he resisted. Mainly because he was black."
Brother Jack frowned. "You're riding 'race' again. But how do they feel about the dolls?"
"I'm riding the race I'm forced to ride," I said. "And as for the dolls, they know that as the cops were concerned Clifton could have been selling song sheets, Bibles, maztos. If he'd been white, he'd be alive. Or if he accepted being pushed around..."

3. "The Great Gatsby" von F. Scott Fitzgerald, Seite 150

"I'm thirty", I said. "I'm five years too old to lie to myself and call it honour"

4. "Alien Territory" aus "Good Bones and Simple Murders" von Margaret Atwood, Seite 98

All men are created equal, as someone said who was either very hopeful or very mischievous. What a lot of anxiety could have been avoided if he'd only kept his mouth shut.

5. "Die Traumdiebe" von Cherie Dimaline, Seite 84

Und ein Mensch ohne Träume ist nichts weiter als eine Maschine mit kaputtem Messgerät.

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